Your support allows us to administer each of the programs below. These programs solve problems and help us carry out the ALIVE Rescue mission.
Does one or more program(s) stand out to you? Let us know which programs you like and why.
Many of the programs below have accompanying "donate" buttons in case you'd like to contribute to specific programs that may resonate with you.


Chicagoland Rescue Intervention and Support Program (CRISP) is a relatively new initiative to help pets and families in the Chicagoland area stay healthy and stay together. CRISP began May 2016 and pools the resources of 10 local rescues that work in concert to:
Provide assistance and support to pet owners in need
Divert owner-surrendered animals to accredited rescues
Ultimately reduce the number of animals surrendered to Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC)
CRISP has a table inside Chicago's main open-admission shelter, Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC). The goal of CRISP is to first prevent animals from being surrendered by their owners, thereby reducing the number of animals that need future adoption. The second goal is to divert animals surrendered at CACC to rescue organizations before they are exposed to disease within the shelter. This prevents unnecessary and/or costly medical treatments and prevents the spread of disease after animals have been transferred from CACC into local rescues. It also lowers the euthanasia rate for CACC, which is always a goal.
CRISP is unique, and the coalition has provided great insights into why people are surrendering their animals to CACC. With more information on why people are surrendering their pets, we can attempt to address the root causes of pet surrenders in Chicago. Reducing pet surrenders will ultimately reduce CACC intake.
Read more about CRISP here.

We tend to take in a lot of hard cases that may be overlooked by potential adopters. For example, dogs that may not get along well with other dogs and cats but love their people. These dogs typically stay with ALIVE Rescue for a very long time, so we came up with a way for them to stand out! We label these special dogs as “introverts,” and they become part of our “Introvert for Life” program.
Each introvert's adoption fee is sponsored 100% by ALIVE Rescue. Additionally, each introvert receives one free one-on-one training session with their new family and an ALIVE Rescue-approved trainer once they are adopted.

Paws for Hope's mission is dedicated to helping individuals struggling with mental health and wellness, including depression, anxiety, suicidality, and self-injury, through animal-assisted programming. Paws for Hope aims to support these individuals by:
Building community and providing a safe space where individuals can share their struggles with professionals and others with similar experiences, while being comforted by ALIVE Rescue’s adoptable animals
Connecting ALIVE’s dogs with individuals in mental health facilities and recovery programs
The Paws for Hope Pack is a safe community for ALIVE Rescue volunteers to connect when seeking support. The community comes together online and in-person through the Paws for Hope Facebook group, workshops, monthly recreational activities, and meet-ups with mental health professionals and adoptable animals.
ALIVE Rescue volunteers, along with therapy and rescue dogs, will visit local mental health facilities to comfort those in recovery programs. The goal of these visits is to brighten days — no matter how dark.
The ALIVE Rescue Reach Out Days program was started to educate and comfort seniors within our community and connect them to the spirits of our rescue animals. While this program is dedicated toward seniors, people of diverse ages, experiences, functions or health enjoy handling and having the company of the animals just as much as the rescue animals enjoy having a day of attention and love.
We work with the following nursing/rehab/retirement homes:
Wesley Place
Covenant Home
Hartwell Place
Brookdale Lakeview
Belmont Crossing
If you would like to be a part of one of our Reach Out days, or you have suggestions of organizations or locations that would benefit from a Reach Out day, please e-mail us at
Check our calendar for details on the next scheduled Reach Out Day.
ALIVE Rescue loves its seniors! We love them so much, we decided to create a program specifically for them. Why? First of all, seniors tend to need extra medical care. Seniors also can take longer to get adopted, which means they're often in our care for a longer period of time. Saving seniors can cost ALIVE Rescue over $2,000 per animal.
Seniors are also prevalent at Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC), Chicago's open-admission shelter and one of our primary intake sources.


In November of 2017, we launched “the HUTCH” to expand our rescue efforts from cats and dogs to include rabbits. After watching countless rabbits enter our local shelters without a place to go, ALIVE Rescue decided to do something about it. As we grow, our rabbit foster network we will be able to save many more rabbits.

ALIVE Rescue is committed to keeping pets with families that provide them a loving and well-balanced life. The Stay Fund offers training/behavioral modification scholarships to those committed to working with their pet on behavioral issues but who are unable to do so because of financial need. To apply for a scholarship, please click here.
Please note: Applications are awarded based on demonstrated owner commitment and financial need. By submitting an application, you agree to the following:
ALIVE Rescue may contact persons specified on the application, including previous trainers and veterinarians.
Scholarship decisions are final and are determined solely by the Board of Directors of ALIVE Rescue. Scholarship applications will be voted on at monthly board meetings. You will be notified as to the approval or denial of your application.
If awarded a scholarship, ALIVE Rescue will offer you our suggested providers for your specific needs. Once a provider is agreed upon, you must use the provider offered by ALIVE Rescue. If there is an issue with the provider offered, you will notify us immediately to discuss alternatives.
You will provide ALIVE Rescue with updates during the course of the scholarship.
ALIVE Rescue will pay the provider directly for services.
Ruth was a special dog rescued by ALIVE on February 7th, 2014. Due to devastating neglect, Ruth came to ALIVE emaciated and near death. Despite ALIVE’s best efforts, Ruth only survived two days after being rescued. The amount of love and support we received within the two days Ruth was with us was overwhelming. She touched so many lives and we knew we had to keep her memory alive by creating The Ruth Fund.

The Ruth Fund is a giving opportunity to support ALIVE Rescue’s ability to save animals who have experienced severe cruelty or neglect and who often have expensive medical issues that must be addressed to be able to be rescued and have normal, healthy, happy lives. Contributions to this fund will not only treat medical conditions of animals like Ruth, but also let them experience loving human companionship!
Special Note: Thank you to Christine M. for designing The Ruth Fund logo. The logo symbolizes Ruth and her spirit creating life, making life for other animals.